7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Content Positioning in Google Search Results

 In addition to generating quality content and applying marketing strategies , there is another determining factor when achieving effective dissemination : achieving a good SEO Ranking . Indeed, appearing among the first search results  is the indicator that your campaigns are doing well. Therefore, in this post I will share with you 7 effective ways to improve your SEO positioning , so that you can make the most of your communication efforts. Here we go!

7 simple and effective tips to improve SEO Ranking of your content

1- Use your keywords "naturally"

At present it is no longer necessary to  fill your articles with keywords to achieve a good SEO Ranking,  and in fact such excess is something to avoid. Why? Because a text full of "embedded" keywords forcibly gives your content an appearance of SPAM that many users will literally want to avoid at the "first impression."

For this reason, I advise you to include your keywords in the most natural way possible and in key spaces of your articles, for example in the title and first paragraph. This added to the quality of your production will be enough to favor your SEO Ranking.

2- Complete the Meta Descriptions

Many people forget or omit to complete the field called " Meta Description " after finishing the development of a content. And that's a mistake! Step to explain: the Meta Description is what people will read as information about your article in Google search results, as shown in the image below:

In other words, the Meta Description is your tool to convince the audience that your content is what they are looking for, so you should take advantage of it! In addition, using Meta Descriptions allows you to improve your CTR , and this in turn positively impacts your SEO Ranking . So, use them!

3- Simplify your URLs

The first thing search crawlers see are your content URLs , so keep them as simple and specific as possible. This will favor its correct categorization in the search engine. Thus, I advise you to avoid excessively long URLs , such as those that are automatically saved after, for example, writing a post on your blog.

URLs that are too long are more difficult to categorize , which is why if you use them, your content could appear related to searches that have nothing to do with your industry or sector. For example, I advise you to  use a maximum of 7 words in your URLs to avoid these inconveniences.

4- Take advantage of the titling labels

Title tags , also known as "H1" , "H2" and so on up to "H6" are crucial pieces when ranking the content of your articles . These are titles that hierarchically structure the information to be indexed, the most important being H1 and the least being H6 . Hence the importance of using them correctly when writing your texts.

For example, the main title of your content must be an H1, a subtitle will be an H2 and a sub-topic within said subtitle will be an H3. Also, I recommend you to be specific with your titles and avoid overly generic categories (such as "Service"), in order to favor your SEO Ranking as much as possible.

5- Control the speed of your site

An increasingly important factor in terms of achieving a good  SEO Ranking is the loading speed that your website shows. This is so because Google as a search engine, prioritizes fast websites to position them among the first search results.

Consequently, if your blog or website loads too slow, I recommend that you apply the necessary optimizations to improve its performance. To know your site's loading speed and get some SEO tips, I recommend turning to Quick Sprout .

6- Use the "Alt Text" of your images

The Alt Text or Alternative Texts of your images are what all users who have the images disabled will see (a very common thing in email services). Hence the importance of using them, indicating in them what the image in question is about and, of course, including your keywords as much as possible .

7- Check where the links to your site come from

Although you may think that the more links lead to your site, the better , the truth is that you should be careful with these links. Indeed, if your site is linked to pages with a bad reputation or classified as SPAM , it is best that you detach yourself from them as soon as possible. The idea is that the links that lead to your site are not only numerous, but that they are linked to your industry and that they come from quality web pages .

Apply these 7 tips to improve your SEO Ranking when generating your content, and soon you will get the best results.

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